Paediatric Thyroid Disease 26-2-2022-Wave 7

Paediatric Thyroid Disease – WAVE 7

Date: 26 Feb 22

  • Prof. Asma Deeb

    Consultant Physician ,
    Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City,
    Abu Dhabi, UAE

  • Dr. Siobhan Pittock

    Pediatric endocrinologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester

    Prof. Rasha Hamza

    Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Endocrinology Ain Shams University, Cairo

  • Dr. Mohammed Al-Dubayee

    Deputy Chairman, Department of Pediatrics King Abdullah Specialized Children’s Hospital, KAMC-MNGHA Associate Dean, Office of Research, College of Public Health & Health Informatics (CPHHI-R) King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS)

    Dr. Abdelhadi Habeb

    Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist, National Guard Hospital, Madinah, KSA

    Prof. Asma Deeb

    Consultant Physician, Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE

  • 19:00-19:05

    Plenary Thyroid nodules and cancer in young people
    Siobhan Pittock

    Keynote: Subclinical Hypothyroidism in children & adolescents
    Rasha Hamza

    Thyroid Round from around the Arab World
    15Min/ presentation
    - A 6 years old child with neck swelling - Mohammed Al-Dubayee
    - Resistance to thyroid hormone - Abdelhadi Habeb
    - Graves Disease in an adolescent, unusual features - Asma Deeb


    Industrial Symposium

  • - Endocrinologists (Adults and Paediatrics)
    - General Paediatricians

  • - Discuss hot topics on paediatric thyroidology
    - Illustrate the difference of presentations between paediatric and adult thyroid disorders
    - Present challenging case scenarios in paediatric thyroid disorder

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